A framed version of DiCoEnviro


An Agent states or makes known a Patient based on a Method.

[EN] It is also possible that our models will better enable us to PREDICT the consequences . (Source : RAPPORTPENTAGINE)
[EN] Climate models PROJECT that, during the coming decades, water resources will become more abundant across much of northern Canada . (Source : 5CANADAICC)
[FR] Il convient d'améliorer les méthodes de PRÉVISION des expositions aux facteurs climatiques et aux stress non climatiques à des échelles spatiales plus fines pour mieux comprendre les conséquences possibles des changements climatiques [...] (Source : 3IPCCCONSEQUENCE)
[ZH] 应用决定着大气运动、增温、冷却、降雨、降雪和水分蒸发过程的物理学概念, 气象学家 基本上已经能够成功地 预测 未来数天的天气 。 (Source : 20氣候變遷問答(臺灣中央氣象局))

This frame is based on Predicting in FrameNet. The number of actants vs. core FEs differs. In addition, there is an Agent/Method alternation.
Click here to see associated FrameNet infos
Participants (1):
  1. Agent
  2. Patient
  3. Method
Participants (2):
  1. Time (5)
  2. Manner (4)
  3. Duration (1)
  4. Frequency (1)
  5. Recipient (1)
  6. Purpose (1)
  7. Result (1)
  8. Degree (1)
Frame Relations:

Is subframe of

English LUs:
French LUs:
Chinese LUs: